The West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project fights tirelessly for clean air and health equity in West Oakland and beyond. We have a long track record of leading and partnering on successful campaigns that give West Oaklanders a voice in the political, social, and natural forces that impact their lives.
Schnitzer Steel: Clean Up or Get Out
WOEIP has been fighting for tighter regulation, stronger enforcement, and cleaner practices at Schnitzer Steel for as long as we’ve been neighbors. Schnitzer’s Aug. 9, 2023 fire wasn’t the first time the scrap metal recycler violated legal regulations, poisoning thousands of people, many of whom live in already pollution-burdened communities. This time, though, the community has had enough.

Turning Basins: No Port Expansion Without Electrification
The Turning Basins project is a major construction project at the Port of Oakland that paves the way for massive megaships (larger than the Salesforce Tower!) to dock in our backyard. These ships can carry three times the number of containers of the largest ships docking now, which will inevitably be transported through our neighborhoods in dirty diesel trucks that spew toxic emissions. We’re demanding a full environmental review that accounts for the emission reduction commitments made by the Port and City agencies.

No Coal in Oakland
WOEIP is a founding partner in the No Coal In Oakland coalition, a grassroots campaign to stop the threat of coal being transported by rail into Oakland for export overseas. We continue to work with our friends and allies to prevent money-hungry developers from using Oakland as a hub for the dirtiest fuel on Earth.