West Oakland residents are reclaiming the air we breathe

Owning Our Air outlines the West Oakland Community Action Plan (WOCAP), a community-led plan for reducing air pollution in West Oakland. Built on decades of neighborhood research, the plan is the result of legislation passed in 2017, known as AB 617, which focuses on community-based emissions reduction in neighborhoods most disproportionately impacted by air pollution. The bill directs air regulators to work with our communities to develop solutions. West Oakland is the first California community to guide such a process and serves as a model across the country.

80+ strategies aim to improve air quality across West Oakland by 2030

Owning Our Air is a game changer for all communities similar to West Oakland in California. This is a new day of decision-making and planning that goes far beyond emission reductions.”

—Ms. Margaret Gordon, WOEIP Co-director

Tracking the strategies

Last updated: Nov. 15, 2022 based on data provided by CARB and other agency partners.

WOCAP reports and oversight

2020 Annual Report

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WOCAP Steering Committee

The Steering Committee oversees implementation of the West Oakland Community Action Plan strategies.

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Owning Our Air is overseen by a Steering Committee comprised of West Oakland residents, businesses, air quality experts, and government representatives.

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